Thursday, January 8, 2009

Typeface Foundaries

The 2 Rebel typeface foundry is quite different from the usual typefaces that I'm used to seeing on my PC. Almost all of their typefaces are a little hard to read and grungy, but that is what makes them so interesting. Some of them seem to be strikingly similar though; specifically their serif typefaces. Their typefaces Troiminut, Message, Maria's Font, and Flembo Text are my favorites because they all seem to be easy to read and they are pleasing to the eye. I am surprised by how many designers are actually a part of this foundry.

Crazy Diamond Design is definitely not what I expected to be. The name made me visualize modern, elaborate typefaces, so when I looked and saw that the site was filled with historical typefaces like wizard runes I was a little surprised. Of course some of these are a little difficult to read, but the easiest to read (and also my favorites) are

Italic Hand

Written Square Capitals OT Pack

and 17th Century Print OT Pack.

Veer really captured my interests with the wide range of typefaces they have available. They range from anywhere between Art Deco to Fun. Just the fact that they have so many to choose from is what makes this foundry one of my favorites. Also, their site is presented in a clean and easy to use way that makes me feel like I really want to explore. I also like that they use the sentence "Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz" instead of the usual fox one. Their typeface Arlt Complete is definitely one of my favorites that I found.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

12 Palettes

Monday, October 6, 2008

2 Symbols

1. This is an Inhalation Hazard symbol that you might see on a sign. It's easy to understand which is important for those who might not speak the native language.

2. This is an Eye Wash Station symbol. Just as with the Inhalation Hazard symbol, it's easy to understand.

5 Websites


Sunday, October 5, 2008

3 Print Ads

1. The placement of the chocolate wrapper and the text is nice. The squirrel's tail almost leads you straight to it.

2. The second ad is pretty straightforward. The placement and style of typeface used are very appropriate.

3. Even though the typeface is very small in this ad, it gets the point across. "Heroism in small doses."

Magazine Cover

I thought the placement of the magazine title was very interesting on this cover. I don't know much about this magazine though.

CD sleeves

I like the way that the album logo is repeated on the front and the back of the case. It connects the covers.

I wasn't really sure which album front to use, so I just posted both. I've never heard this album, but the use of human silhouettes in place of bomber planes portrays a strong message.