Monday, August 25, 2008

Graphic Design & Me

At first I thought that explaining why I wanted to major in Graphic Design would be difficult, but once I thought about it for a little while I realized that there are several reasons that I feel this profession is right for me.
One reason is that I am always critiquing work that I see in the field of Graphic Design whether I realize it or not. I look at ads in magazines and newspapers and I analyze the layouts and content. I don't really know why I do this other than because I feel that it is interesting and I'd like to be able to do this myself. This partly originated from my work in my high school yearbook class. I was "trained" so to speak, on how to properly layout the spreads and on what was pleasing to the eye. I don't know how much of this knowledge remains after 4 years of not using it, but maybe I've kept it all and used it subconsciously.
The other reason is that Graphic Design seems like it would be the best suited career for me. I always tend to work better when I'm given something to draw. Don't get me wrong, I can easily come up with my own ideas, but that "chi" gets blocked rather often. When I'm told what to draw, part of the thought process is already taken care of and I seem to be able to work more efficiently and with better results. Also, because this area seems to be growing in size, I would assume that graphic artists would be needed because of the new businesses that will be opened and so forth.
In short, I feel that it's in my gut, and I will be able to earn a decent living from it. It beings something that I find very interesting doesn't hurt either.